Cars N’ Anime San Diego is our official organizer of our itasha showcase for Hentai Matsuri.
Check out more information about them below:
“While it is only a recent addition to the slew of otaku car events that happen regularly in Southern California, Cars N’ Anime SD has slowly been gaining traction as yet another hotspot car and anime enthusiasts need to check out. More so for those based in the San Diego region, considering most of the regular events tend to take place closer towards Los Angeles – or within the central Southern California region.
And speaking from personal experience, it can be quite a journey for anyone based in San Diego to try and make it to one of the ever-popular events, that justifying the round trip for a few hours of weeb awesomeness isn’t worth it.
This San Diego-exclusive event is the brainchild of founder Jermie Sunico (@wildchild_inc), based off of a separate car meet he hosted in the area called ‘Summer Nights’. As he explains, it all started from finding a way to boost up the profile of two vendors who sold stickers at meets.”
Learn more about future events and follow them for application updates to be a part of our showcase at